Table of Contents
- Preface to the Second Edition
- Convention, Notation, and Units
- I Part I: Motivation and Foundation
- I.1 Who Needs It?
- I.2 Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Physics
- I.3 From Mattress to Field
- I.4 From Field to Particle to Force
- I.5 Coulomb and Newton: Repulsion and Attraction
- I.6 Inverse Square Law and the Floating 3-Brane
- I.7 Feynman Diagrams
- I.8 Quantizing Canonically
- I.9 Disturbing the Vacuum
- I.10 Symmetry
- I.11 Field Theory in Curved Spacetime
- I.12 Field Theory Redux
- II Part II: Dirac and the Spinor
- II.1 The Dirac Equation
- II.2 Quantizing the Dirac Field
- II.3 Lorentz Group and Weyl Spinors
- II.4 Spin-Statistics Connection
- II.5 Vacuum Energy, Grassmann Integrals, and Feynman Diagrams for Fermions
- II.6 Electron Scattering and Gauge Invariance
- II.7 Diagrammatic Proof of Gauge Invariance
- II.8 Photon-Electron Scattering and Crossing
- III Part III: Renormalization and Gauge Invariance
- III.1 Cutting Off Our Ignorance
- III.2 Renormalizable versus Nonrenormalizable
- III.3 Counterterms and Physical Perturbation Theory
- III.4 Gauge Invariance: A Photon Can Find No Rest
- III.5 Field Theory without Relativity
- III.6 The Magnetic Moment of the Electron
- III.7 Polarizing the Vacuum and Renormalizing the Charge
- III.8 Becoming Imaginary and Conserving Probability
- IV Part IV: Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking
- IV.1 Symmetry Breaking
- IV.2 The Pion as a Nambu-Goldstone Boson
- IV.3 Effective Potential
- IV.4 Magnetic Monopole
- IV.5 Nonabelian Gauge Theory
- IV.6 The Anderson-Higgs Mechanism
- IV.7 Chiral Anomaly
- V Part V: Field Theory and Collective Phenomena
- V.1 Superfluids
- V.2 Euclid, Boltzmann, Hawking, and Field Theory at Finite Temperature
- V.3 Landau-Ginzburg Theory of Critical Phenomena
- V.4 Superconductivity
- V.5 Peierls Instability
- V.6 Solitons
- V.7 Vortices, Monopoles, and Instantons
- VI Part VI: Field Theory and Condensed Matter
- VI.1 Fractional Statistics, Chern-Simons Term, and Topological Field Theory
- VI.2 Quantum Hall Fluids
- VI.3 Duality
- VI.4 The σ Models as Effective Field Theories
- VI.5 Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnets
- VI.6 Surface Growth and Field Theory
- VI.7 Disorder: Replicas and Grassmannian Symmetry
- VI.8 Renormalization Group Flow as a Natural Concept in High Energy and Condensed Matter Physics
- VII Part VII: Grand Unification
- VII.1 Quantizing Yang-Mills Theory and Lattice Gauge Theory
- VII.2 Electroweak Unification
- VII.3 Quantum Chromodynamics
- VII.4 Large N Expansion
- VII.5 Grand Unification
- VII.6 Protons Are Not Forever
- VII.7 SO(10) Unification
- VIII Part VIII: Gravity and Beyond
- VIII.1 Gravity as a Field Theory and the Kaluza-Klein Picture
- VIII.2 The Cosmological Constant Problem and the Cosmic Coincidence Problems
- VIII.3 Effective Field Theory Approach to Understanding Nature
- VIII.4 Supersymmetry: A Very Brief Introduction
- VIII.5 A Glimpse of String Theory as a 2-Dimensional Field Theory
- Closing Words
- N Part N
- N.1 Gravitational Waves and Effective Field Theory
- N.2 Gluon Scattering in Pure Yang-Mills Theory
- N.3 Subterranean Connections in Gauge Theories
- N.4 Is Einstein Gravity Secretly the Square of Yang-Mills Theory?
- More Closing Words
- Appendix A: Gaussian Integration and the Central Identity of Quantum Field Theory
- Appendix B: A Brief Review of Group Theory
- Appendix C: Feynman Rules
- Appendix D: Various Identities and Feynman Integrals
- Appendix E: Dotted and Undotted Indices and the Majorana Spinor
- Solutions to Selected Exercises
- Further Reading
- Index
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