Modern Quantum Mechanics is a classic graduate level textbook, covering the main concepts from quantum mechanics in a clear, organized and engaging manner. The original author, J. J. Sakurai, was a renowned particle theorist. This third edition, revised by Jim Napolitano, introduces topics that extend its value into the twenty-first century, such as modern mathematical techniques for advanced quantum mechanical calculations, while at the same time retaining fundamental topics such as neutron interferometer experiments, Feynman path integrals, correlation measurements, and Bell’s inequalities. A solutions manual is available.
- Updated and thoroughly classroom-tested by the author, ensuring its relevance for anyone studying physics today
- New content helps students better understand the core material as well as more advanced topics
- Forty new end-of-chapter problems have been added, while others have been clarified to be more accessible for modern students
Table of Contents
1. Fundamental concepts
2. Quantum dynamics
3. Theory of angular momentum
4. Symmetry in quantum mechanics
5. Approximation methods
6. Scattering theory
7. Identical particles
8. Relativistic quantum mechanics
Appendix A. Electromagnetic units
Appendix B. Elementary solutions to Schrödinger’s wave equation
Appendix C. Hamiltonian for a charge in an electromagnetic field
Appendix D. Proof of the angular-momentum addition rule (3.8.38)
Appendix E. Finding Clebsch–Gordan coefficients
Appendix F. Notes on complex variables.
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